Creator Liquidity Offerings
What Does CLO Stand For?
CLO means Creator Liquidity Offerin...
How Do I Join a CLO?
Users willing to take part in a Cre...
What Happens with My Stakes and Deposits If I Win a CLO?
Your stakes will be always bound to...
What Happens to My Stakes and Deposits If I Lose a CLO?
Nothing, they will remain unlocked ...
How Do I Withdraw?
Go to “My Portfolio” and if you hav...
When Will I Be Able to Claim Tokens Once I Win a CLO?
Tokens will be available at the dat...
How Do I Hear If I Won or Lost a CLO?
After the CLO ends, you can go to y...
What Does KYC Mean? Why Do I Need to Complete This Step?
KYC means Know Your Customer. The X...
What Happens If I Join a CLO but Then Withdraw My Stake or Participation?
You have to meet all the requiremen...
Can I Withdraw My Deposit? Is There Any Penalty?
You can withdraw at any time, excep...
Can I Join Using My Phone?
Yes. All our apps are compatible wi...
What Wallets Do I Need to Connect to the Launchpad Site?
You will need a Zilliqa-compatible ...
If I Lost the CLO, Can I Use the Same Stake and Deposit to Participate in Another CLO?
Yes! As long as the staking pool is...