$XCAD Token
How can I get XCAD?
You can visit the following link fo...
How to exchange my earned tokens to FIAT
If you wish to exchange your Creato...
Where can I see the whitepaper?
Check out the DAOMaker research pag...
What are the main utilities for the XCAD token?
The XCAD Token has several utilitie...
Has XCAD been audited?
Yes, it's a pretty basic smart cont...
Are there any $XCAD Network community groups?
Absolutely! We have a huge and loya...
What are the XCAD Token contract addresses?
The XCAD token contract addresses a...
What is the contract for the Claim portal?
The contract for the Claim portal i...
Why is the claim gas fee for SHO Investors is so high?
Use the recommended gas price from ...
Where can I get the $XCAD chart, market cap and supply data?
You can get the $XCAD token chart, ...
What's the link to the claim portal?
You can access the $XCAD claim port...
How does the burning mechanism work on the claim portal?
Claim portal was designed for our p...
What are the contracts for XCAD staking pools rewards?
What bridges can I use for the $XCAD token?
You can use any of the following br...
Why is a layer 1 (L1) needed for XCAD?
It would bring another big utility ...
What’s nXCAD?
When staking $XCAD on NFTrade, you ...
How can I make a suggestion for XCAD?
If you are unable to find a solutio...
I have v1 $XCAD, how to move to v2?
Check the following article for mor...
When will the youtubers start to promote $XCAD?
Youtubers won’t promote the $XCAD t...
Am I going to lose $XCAD when I put $XCADs to the farm? And will NFTs have a monetary value?
There is a possibility you'll los...
Can I swap nXCAD back to XCAD?
No. nXCAD is not tradable/transfera...
Is the only point of staking XCAD on NFTrade (and getting nXCAD as a reward) for buying NFTs?
XCAD token holders will be able to ...
When is the next token release and how many tokens will be added to the circulating supply?
Our new vesting was announced on Oc...
Are there any VCs backing XCAD Network?
The only investor in our PRE SEED r...
Can I withdraw/send BEP20 $XCAD to Kucoin?
Yes, you can! KuCoin has now opened...